I remember a story about a statue of Jesus being vandalized over and over: People kept breaking his hands off.

It became too costly and troublesome to keep repairing the statue. Instead, its owner put a sign in front of the broken Jesus: “Be my hands.”

How are you called to be his hands?

I hope it’s something you think about while reading the June/July issue of Northwest Catholic, which has a focus on vocations.

Yes, we need men to consider the priesthood and women to join the fruitful world of religious life. But service to Christ and our community isn’t just for priests and sisters.

Does your parish need your gifts and talents in music ministry or on the finance council? Are you called to volunteer at a food bank or welcome immigrants? Have you considered teaching at a Catholic school or working for the church?

Pray about it. Listen for his voice. Be his hands.

This article appeared in the June/July 2024 issue of Northwest Catholic magazine. Read the rest of the issue here.