Dear Kianna,

I find it hard to be happy and hopeful in today’s world. How do you find joy? Do you have any tips? — Hungry for Joy

Dear Hungry,

In a world oversaturated with challenges and bad news — violence, war, drugs, inequality, injustices and hatred, among the crosses in our everyday lives — it can be hard to feel hopeful. True and lasting joy may feel impossible when there is so much darkness around us. What, then, is the secret to happiness?

I recently asked my students to write a paper on this very topic: “How can we live a life of true happiness and love?” In our class discussions, we focused on the power of the beatitudes, which serve as a roadmap to true joy in a world that contradicts this message. Jesus invites us to not shy away from the cross, but rather, to enter into our daily challenges knowing that Christ is with us and transforming us. Let’s look at a few.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

Conquering our inner pride by praying for a humble heart not only allows us to see the world through eyes of compassion and love, but also gives God the ability to work through us. Every time we practice humility, Jesus not only promises us the joy that comes from having a childlike spirit, but also assures us that our heavenly reward will be great.

“Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

When we look to the eyes of Jesus, we get a window to his compassionate heart. Suffering shapes us and can either tear us down or, when offered to Jesus, transform everything. Our suffering, like Christ’s on the cross, is redemptive, if only we have the courage to trust when we cannot see.

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

Mercy is at the core of the Gospel message, so every time we forgive when we are hurt, we take on the heart of Christ. Forgiveness certainly does not mean to settle for or accept injustices, but rather, to discover an inner peace that allows us to keep the joy of the Lord in our lives among the daily trials.

“Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you [falsely] because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.”

This is one of my favorite beatitudes because it captures the heart of what it means to be a disciple. When we live out our faith, expect to be misunderstood, judged, disrespected, unliked and offended at times, just as Jesus was. But remember, whose team are you on? Who are you fighting for? I choose team Jesus! Who do you choose?

Joy is not an easy quest, but through the beatitudes, Jesus promises us eternal and authentic joy by picking up our cross and following him, knowing that he alone is “the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). Let us stand tall and fight together — for him!

This article appeared in the June/July 2024 issue of Northwest Catholic magazine. Read the rest of the issue here.